
Pioneering Real Change in Diabetes Care

4 min read

Delivering a breakthrough biomarker in the at-home setting

An estimated 38.4 million people in the U.S. have diabetes, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Up to 70% of people with diabetes will be affected by diabetic peripheral neuropathy, and nearly half have no symptoms to alert them that it’s happening. This often silent condition increases the risk of foot ulcers and potential amputations. Patients with diabetic foot ulcers have a two-fold greater increase in mortality.

Unfortunately, diabetic neuropathy is often not discovered until it is well advanced when it may be irreversible. Early diagnosis of diabetic peripheral neuropathy is critical for preventing further complications, but diagnostic tools have been lacking in identifying the condition in the asymptomatic early stages.

Improving patient outcomes requires better prevention strategies

A common side effect of diabetes, peripheral autonomic neuropathy often is a result of poorly controlled blood sugar. The high blood sugar concentrations damage blood vessels, restricting their ability to deliver nutrients and oxygen to small nerves. This causes the nerves to die. Poor sweat gland function leads to drier skin and increased risk of cracking and wounds. Uncontrolled diabetes can affect circulation. The resulting poor circulation makes it more difficult for wounds to heal. In some cases, this leads to amputation.

To manage these issues, the American Diabetes Association recommends annual foot exams, but these appointments are often skipped by patients. Even when patients are compliant, their care teams have been reliant on invasive and frequently inaccurate methods of detecting diabetic peripheral neuropathy. They typically have relied on monofilament to press on the foot, which results in misdiagnosis 47% of the time.

The only other alternative was for patients to undergo painful skin biopsies, the prospect of which is not appealing to diabetic patients, who are at high risk of infections and lengthy wound healing.

Addressing the gaps in diagnosing diabetic peripheral neuropathy 

Peripheral neuropathy is a common cause of diabetic foot ulcers. Early detection and appropriate treatment of foot ulcers may prevent up to 85% of amputations, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians.

That’s why it’s critical for the journey to diagnosing diabetic peripheral neuropathy to  change. Addressing these serious complications much earlier will improve care teams’ ability to diagnose and provide higher quality care. Though there is no cure for diabetic peripheral neuropathy, diagnosing it early can help providers intervene and encourage patients to make lifestyle changes to slow the progression.

To provide a more reliable tool to healthcare providers, Impeto Medical – now part of Withings – invented Sudoscan, a device that measures the sudomotor function. That is, the autonomic nervous systems’ control of sweat glands. Sudomotor dysfunction is one of the earliest signs of peripheral neuropathy in diabetes and other diseases. The test uses sweat production in the feet and then analyzes the body’s response.

When a patient steps on the Sudoscan, it sends a small painless current to the feet using electrodes to stimulate the sweat glands and small nerve fibers. This causes an electrochemical reaction and induces a current that produces an Electrochemical Skin Conductance score indicating the level of sweat gland function loss. 

The Sudoscan provides a quantitative measure of chloride conductance, serving as a biomarker to assess sweat gland function in relation to sweat gland innervation. High conductance means no dysfunction whereas low conductance is indicative of dysfunction of sweat glands and the presence of neuropathy. 

Used by hospitals for more than a decade, the Sudoscan has been proven in comparison with the existing methods. It soon became the gold standard for diagnosing diabetic peripheral neuropathy at its earliest stages. However, since it was only available at hospitals, care teams were limited to monitoring patients’ progress only once or twice a year. 

Bringing the gold standard to patients’ homes

Withings embedded Sudoscan’s breakthrough technology in its Body Pro 2 cellular scale. This one-of-a-kind device complements in-hospital monitoring with the ability to track patients’ progress day to day from the convenience of their own homes. Body Pro 2, CE marked in Europe and available upon prescription in the US, has been tested to validate that it offers the same accuracy level as the Sudoscan. 

With this move, Withings Health Solutions pioneered a modular approach to in-home monitoring devices, offering the Electrochemical Skin Conductance Score as its first biometric measurement in a cellular scale.

Supporting early interventions and lifestyle changes 

Body Pro 2 contributes to early detection of peripheral autonomic neuropathy. The device allows for consistent remote monitoring of patients on a daily basis to identify any deterioration in sudomotor function. By facilitating easy, daily screening, it helps care teams to track patients’ risk of diabetic peripheral neuropathy, allowing for early intervention with coaching, diet and exercise changes, medications, vitamin prescriptions, and other measures to slow and hopefully prevent complications. 

Similarly, if a patient has already been diagnosed with peripheral autonomic neuropathy, the device can help in the follow-up by monitoring disease progression or improvement. Patients can follow their own progress as well, helping to motivate them to continue making lifestyle changes to reduce their chances of complications.  

Improving patient outcomes

Body Pro 2’s ability to support healthcare professionals better care for patients with diabetes is a major turning point for the healthcare industry. Electrochemical Skin Conductance is a breakthrough measurement that provides physicians access to the health data they need to make critical decisions about their patient’s health. Body Pro 2 will transform a traditionally underdiagnosed condition to one that can be regularly monitored from the patient’s home. 

As further modules are released, care teams will be able to gain a holistic view of patients for better disease management and improved patient outcomes. 

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Technical setup and support needs for bluetooth scale


Withings Body Pro Cellular Scale


Reduced operational and technical needs by 25%

“Withings has been an invaluable partner for us in ensuring a best-in-class member experience throughout the Calibrate Orientation and the year-long Metabolic Reset. The seamless smart scale integration with the Calibrate app ensures our members can stay consistent with daily weight tracking with the lowest possible barrier to action—ultimately driving improved out - comes over time.”

Ed Cudahy, CTO, Calibrate


Calibrate is a metabolic health company on a mission to change the way the world treats weight. As the first outcomes-based model in obesity treatment, Calibrate is setting the standard of care with a time-bound, digital program that integrates GLP-1 medication with behavior change to improve overall metabolic health, allowing people to sustain long-term weight loss results after medication. Calibrate’s program is purpose-built to deliver intensive lifestyle intervention through an integrated curriculum across food, sleep, exercise, and emotional health. Calibrate doctors treat their patients holistically—with medication as a tool, not the treatment—to improve metabolic health.


Members enrolled in Calibrate’s weight-loss program receive the cellular-enabled Withings Body Pro Scale as part of their Welcome Kit after enrolling in the program. The integrated Withings Body Pro scale allows for accurate readings to be captured daily. The information automatically connects to member profiles, enabling members to track weight over time and provide their Medical Team with accurate information to understand their progress––a critical component to ensure success.

Zoom on GLP-1 Medication

GLP-1 medication is a type of drug initially used to manage type 2 diabetes. It helps to control blood sugar levels, reduce body weight, and lower the risk of heart disease when it is combined with diet and healthy lifestyle changes. (1)  However, GLP-1 medication has also been found to be effective in helping with weight loss and have been approved by regulatory agencies, such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), for this purpose. (2) 

1. Deborah Hinnen, « Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 Receptor Agonists for Type 2 Diabetes », Diabetes Spectrum : A Publication of the American Diabetes Association 30, no 3 (août 2017): 202‑10,

2.  Mojca Jensterle et al., « Efficacy of GLP-1 RA Approved for Weight Management in Patients With or Without Diabetes: A Narrative Review », Advances in Therapy 39, no 6 (2022): 2452‑67,


Prior to partnering with Withings Health Solutions in 2022, Calibrate implemented their weight-loss program using a Bluetooth-only scale from another vendor. The setup process for the Bluetooth scale quickly proved to be cumbersome for members resulting in inbound messages to Calibrate’s team that required time-consuming one-on-one troubleshooting with member support representatives.


Calibrate decided to switch to a cellular-enabled scale instead and extensively evaluated multiple cellular scale vendors before partnering with Withings. Calibrate chose to partner with Withings Health Solutions because of their ability to integrate directly with the Calibrate app, their best-in-class cellular connected devices, their outstanding operational and logistical capabilities, and their unparalleled device and client support.


Calibrate partnered with Withings Health Solutions to use their cellular-enabled scale, Body Pro, to support their tens of thousands of members in tracking their weight daily. Withings Body Pro was customized to enhance the Calibrate member experience and ensure members can seamlessly track their weight.

Unlike conventional smart scales, Body Pro works straight out of the box, requires no setup, making it easy to use for everybody. The long battery life, easy and intuitive setup process, beautiful sleek design, along with intentional habit-forming features enhances the members’ experience. The scale’s weight trend feature, for example, complements the graph in Calibrate’s app and shows how their weight is trending over time-not just the latest number weigh-in, empowering them to be in control of their health. The Body Pro scale is intentionally designed to seamlessly become part of members’ daily routines, resulting in higher engagement and more consistent weight tracking. 

The Withings API allows weight data from the Body Pro scale to be securely and reliably transmitted within Calibrate’s purpose-built app via a customized, Calibrate-branded integration. The collected data is safely and securely stored in the Withings medical cloud, and integrated into Calibrate’s platform in real-time. 

Calibrate also integrated Withings Health Solutions dropshipping API and branded kitting solution to reduce logistics costs and increase program efficiency. Shipping scales and welcome packet materials leveraging Withings dropshipping capabilities helps reduce inventory risk, saves time and streamlines the members’ unboxing experience.

“I met with a new member for intake and she was extremely complimentary several times of the" professionalism" and "high quality" of the Welcome Packet materials. She was beaming about the quality of the scale and said, "I've never seen a scale like this!". She is so impressed and excited to start with Calibrate.”

Calibrate Doctor


The Calibrate and Withings Health Solutions partnership resulted in more operational efficiency for the Calibrate team and a better onboarding and health tracking experience for Calibrate members. The Body Pro scale made it an easy and frictionless experience for members to honor their weight tracking requirement.


Additionally, Body Pro’s cellular scale technology, intentionally designed to reduce friction and keep contact rates low, along with Withings exceptional partner support team, reduced technical support needs related to scale setup by 25% from their prior vendor’s Bluetooth-only scale. Consistent tracking results in improved health outcomes, and a seamless, fully integrated weight tracking experience with Withings Body Pro contributes meaningfully to a positive member experience.

Calibrate's decision to transition to the Withings cellular scale reduced technical setup by


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Contact Us [post_title] => Improving Member Weight Tracking and Operational Efficiency for a Digital Metabolic Health Company [post_excerpt] => Calibrate partnered with Withings Health Solutions to use their cellular-enabled scale, Body Pro, to support their tens of thousands of members in tracking their weight daily. Withings Body Pro was customized to enhance the Calibrate member experience and ensure members can seamlessly track their weight. [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => case-study-calibrate-withings-health-solutions [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-01-18 14:03:59 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-01-18 14:03:59 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => post [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [1] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 810 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2023-10-19 12:55:14 [post_date_gmt] => 2023-10-19 12:55:14 [post_content] =>

Betr Health


High demand for easy-to-use, patient-centric scales


Withings Body Pro Cellular Scale


Reduced operational costs by 15%

By partnering with Withings we are not only getting rid of all of the logistics headaches and saving money, we’re ensuring a seamless member experience, and getting a really beautiful-looking, well-branded device so our members attach more value to it.

Dr. William Ferro, CEO of Betr Health


Betr Health is a ‘food as medicine’ movement that motivates individuals and families to prevent and reverse chronic conditions with a diet and lifestyle approach. The movement is curated, coached and supported 24/7 on the Betr platform which can be accessed through a web portal or their digital app. As part of the program, members get a personal health coach, community and resources such as meal planners, affordable fresh meal delivery, an AI fitness coach and more.


To read full case study, please enter your email address below.


Since members have demonstrated to significantly lower their cost of care for diabetes, hypertension, obesity, musculoskeletal conditions, and inflammatory diseases, the Betr program is increasingly being paid for by employers and health plans such as Blue Shield of California, Blue Shield of South Carolina, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid and many more. And with the recent demand for GLP-1 medications, employers and health plans are turning to Betr’s step therapy program as an alternative to the GLP-1 medications.


Betr needed a reliable and accurate scale to provide members that is easy and seamless for them to consistently track their weight. Collecting accurate and reliable weight measurements from members allows Betr to effectively demonstrate to the insurance companies that their members are reaching a target percentage of between 5-10% weight loss, without the need for GLP-1 medications.


For Betr, the option of stocking scales and doing fulfillment themselves, or partnering with a 3rd party fulfillment center, was not efficient or cost-effective. They have thousands of members coming into their program each month based across the U.S., and they wanted to get the scales shipped and delivered within days. Additionally, having high touch support available was important in case members didn’t receive the scale or had a technical issue with it, as Betr was not staffed up to support these issues.


Betr is also a consumer-based business and they wanted to ensure the scale was not just functional but also had a sleek and aesthetically appealing design. Their prior vendor’s scale was more medical-looking, which doesn’t encourage members to keep it out in plain sight and engage with it habitually. Betr was also looking to partner with a recognizable brand and trusted leader in connected devices that is patient-centric, and consumers love to use, to provide more value to their members.


Betr partnered with Withings Health Solutions to provide their members with a best-in-class cellular scale experience. With Withings Body Pro, members can now easily and seamlessly track their weight throughout the program. The cellular scale can be used right out of the box, without any set up required. Once the member steps on the scale, their weight data is instantly and reliably transmitted to Betr’s app via a Withings API integration.

Betr dropships scales to their members via an integration with Withings API. The Withings dropshipping capability enables Betr to to avoid managing a third party fulfillment center or risk inventory shortages and shipping delays, and reduces overall logistics costs. When a new member joins, Betr pushes a call to the Withings API to create an account, and a Body Pro scale along with a welcome flier is delivered within days.

“We have very few issues with the scale. We send thousands of scales a month, and I would say maybe one or two people a month would have an issue and typically it’s operator error.”

Dr. William Ferro, Founder & CEO of Betr Health


Withings’ dropshipping capability and unparalleled device and partner support results in significant operational cost savings, while also elevating the member experience. “Even if we could procure the scales at a lower cost, the cost of keeping up the API and general logistics would increase my operations cost by at least 15%, " says Dr. William Ferro, Founder & CEO.

Partnering with Withings Health Solutions has kept Betr Health's operational costs down by 


Interested in partnering with us?

Contact Us [post_title] => Reducing Operational Costs and Elevating the Member Experience for a GLP-1 Step Therapy Program [post_excerpt] => Betr Health partnered with Withings Health Solutions to provide their members with a best-in-class cellular scale experience. With Withings Body Pro, members can now easily and seamlessly track their weight throughout the program. [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => case-study-betr-health-reducing-operational-costs-and-elevating-the-member-experience-for-a-glp-1-step-therapy-program [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-03-27 17:16:26 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-03-27 17:16:26 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => post [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [2] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 382 [post_author] => 2 [post_date] => 2022-11-23 10:10:00 [post_date_gmt] => 2022-11-23 10:10:00 [post_content] =>

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over half (51.8%) of U.S. adults have at least one diagnosed chronic condition, including arthritis, asthma, diabetes, and hypertension. Connected health devices have an important role to play in helping patients with chronic illnesses improve their quality of life. In this article, we explore how these devices can help physicians and patients manage their chronic conditions and make the lifestyle changes needed to realize their wellness goals. We’ll wrap up with three real-life use cases that highlight how connected health devices are being used to empower patients and improve health outcomes.

Patient stepping on a Withings connected scale

Benefits of Connected Health Devices for Managing Chronic Illness

The nature of chronic conditions is that they can develop gradually over time. This is problematic because the deterioration can go undetected. Connected health devices can help patients and their healthcare providers more quickly identify the progress of diseases and better manage them for greater wellness. Here are five important benefits of using connected health devices.

Earlier detection of deteriorating health

Connected devices can help to increase the frequency of health checks in between in-office doctor visits, providing a more accurate view of patient health for providers to base treatment. Additionally, connected health devices act as an early warning system, alerting patients and approved medical providers when a patient’s health metrics aren’t ideal. They can also flag an unexpected sudden deterioration, limiting the risk of further complications. With vital health metrics monitored at frequent intervals, providers can intervene more quickly to prevent additional health complications, such as poorly-managed diabetes triggering hypertension.

Increase patient-provider bond

Remote patient monitoring (RPM) programs can create a stronger connection between patients and providers as patients have confidence that their conditions are being closely monitored. During office visits, providers have the opportunity to use the patient’s data as part of the shared decision-making process, allowing patients and providers to work together to create a care plan or fine-tune an existing one. Participation in an RPM program also provides physicians with an additional tool to track patient adherence to treatment plans.

Track progress toward health goals

Connected health devices empower patients to play a more active part in achieving their own wellness goals. When readings are taken daily or several times per week, patients can more easily track their progress. More frequent health measures help patients see how lifestyle choices like exercise and diet directly impact their health.

Share patient health data across a patient’s entire care team

With patient consent, health data from connected devices can be accessed by the patient’s entire care team. Especially for patients with complex health profiles, data from connected devices can foster greater collaboration between providers.

Expand provider capacity

Today, many healthcare systems are stretched thin. Remote patient monitoring empowers healthcare providers to be more proactive in managing patient care. Patients with well-managed chronic conditions are less likely to require more costly and resource-intensive acute care.

Use Cases for Connected Health Devices

The opportunities for remote patient monitoring and connected health devices are nearly endless, ensuring that conditions are detected early before complications can develop. This is even more important as all these conditions are linked with one another. To demonstrate how beneficial this technology can be, here are three ways RPM programs are being used successfully to improve health outcomes.

Diabetes prevention and obesity

Patients use a cellular- or Wifi-enabled digital scale to take frequent body weight measures, which can be automatically transmitted to the healthcare provider. Providers can use this data to spot trends, track adherence to a treatment plan, and evaluate the effectiveness of a weight management program. Frequent body weight measurements also help patients see how lifestyle choices directly impact their health.


Patients diagnosed with hypertension use a wireless blood pressure cuff to monitor their blood pressure regularly. This device automatically collects and transmits the reading, often with just the touch of a button. Using an RPM device for managing hypertension allows healthcare providers to track a patient’s blood pressure over time and can alert them to dangerous spikes in blood pressure that may require urgent intervention.

Sleep conditions

Sleep conditions like sleep apnea can be silent and are underdiagnosed. Using a sleep tracking mat helps to provide an objective measure to identify these conditions. Sleep specialists can use an under-mattress sleep mat to track a patient’s sleep patterns remotely, capturing metrics such as interruptions, time in bed before sleep, time to get out of bed in the morning, and other factors that can affect sleep quality. Some sleep mats, such as Withings’, can also detect snoring.

Withings Connected Devices for Managing Chronic Illness

Connected health devices are an important part of managing chronic illness. With over a decade of industry experience, Withings Health Solutions offers medical-grade devices that feature intuitive designs that encourage high user adoption and retention rates, including a sleep tracking mat, blood pressure monitor, and scale. And our physician dashboard offers intuitive, continuous access to patients’ critical health data in near-real time for actionable information to guide care.

Learn more about the Withings Health Solutions portfolio of smart health devices or request a demo.

[post_title] => How Connected Health Devices Can Help Reduce Chronic Illness [post_excerpt] => [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => open [ping_status] => open [post_password] => [post_name] => how-connected-health-devices-can-help-reduce-chronic-illness [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2023-08-25 16:51:39 [post_modified_gmt] => 2023-08-25 16:51:39 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => post [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 2 [filter] => raw ) ) [post_count] => 3 [current_post] => -1 [before_loop] => 1 [in_the_loop] => [post] => WP_Post Object ( [ID] => 730 [post_author] => 1 [post_date] => 2023-09-22 13:21:38 [post_date_gmt] => 2023-09-22 13:21:38 [post_content] =>



Technical setup and support needs for bluetooth scale


Withings Body Pro Cellular Scale


Reduced operational and technical needs by 25%

“Withings has been an invaluable partner for us in ensuring a best-in-class member experience throughout the Calibrate Orientation and the year-long Metabolic Reset. The seamless smart scale integration with the Calibrate app ensures our members can stay consistent with daily weight tracking with the lowest possible barrier to action—ultimately driving improved out - comes over time.”

Ed Cudahy, CTO, Calibrate


Calibrate is a metabolic health company on a mission to change the way the world treats weight. As the first outcomes-based model in obesity treatment, Calibrate is setting the standard of care with a time-bound, digital program that integrates GLP-1 medication with behavior change to improve overall metabolic health, allowing people to sustain long-term weight loss results after medication. Calibrate’s program is purpose-built to deliver intensive lifestyle intervention through an integrated curriculum across food, sleep, exercise, and emotional health. Calibrate doctors treat their patients holistically—with medication as a tool, not the treatment—to improve metabolic health.


Members enrolled in Calibrate’s weight-loss program receive the cellular-enabled Withings Body Pro Scale as part of their Welcome Kit after enrolling in the program. The integrated Withings Body Pro scale allows for accurate readings to be captured daily. The information automatically connects to member profiles, enabling members to track weight over time and provide their Medical Team with accurate information to understand their progress––a critical component to ensure success.

Zoom on GLP-1 Medication

GLP-1 medication is a type of drug initially used to manage type 2 diabetes. It helps to control blood sugar levels, reduce body weight, and lower the risk of heart disease when it is combined with diet and healthy lifestyle changes. (1)  However, GLP-1 medication has also been found to be effective in helping with weight loss and have been approved by regulatory agencies, such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), for this purpose. (2) 

1. Deborah Hinnen, « Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 Receptor Agonists for Type 2 Diabetes », Diabetes Spectrum : A Publication of the American Diabetes Association 30, no 3 (août 2017): 202‑10,

2.  Mojca Jensterle et al., « Efficacy of GLP-1 RA Approved for Weight Management in Patients With or Without Diabetes: A Narrative Review », Advances in Therapy 39, no 6 (2022): 2452‑67,


Prior to partnering with Withings Health Solutions in 2022, Calibrate implemented their weight-loss program using a Bluetooth-only scale from another vendor. The setup process for the Bluetooth scale quickly proved to be cumbersome for members resulting in inbound messages to Calibrate’s team that required time-consuming one-on-one troubleshooting with member support representatives.


Calibrate decided to switch to a cellular-enabled scale instead and extensively evaluated multiple cellular scale vendors before partnering with Withings. Calibrate chose to partner with Withings Health Solutions because of their ability to integrate directly with the Calibrate app, their best-in-class cellular connected devices, their outstanding operational and logistical capabilities, and their unparalleled device and client support.


Calibrate partnered with Withings Health Solutions to use their cellular-enabled scale, Body Pro, to support their tens of thousands of members in tracking their weight daily. Withings Body Pro was customized to enhance the Calibrate member experience and ensure members can seamlessly track their weight.

Unlike conventional smart scales, Body Pro works straight out of the box, requires no setup, making it easy to use for everybody. The long battery life, easy and intuitive setup process, beautiful sleek design, along with intentional habit-forming features enhances the members’ experience. The scale’s weight trend feature, for example, complements the graph in Calibrate’s app and shows how their weight is trending over time-not just the latest number weigh-in, empowering them to be in control of their health. The Body Pro scale is intentionally designed to seamlessly become part of members’ daily routines, resulting in higher engagement and more consistent weight tracking. 

The Withings API allows weight data from the Body Pro scale to be securely and reliably transmitted within Calibrate’s purpose-built app via a customized, Calibrate-branded integration. The collected data is safely and securely stored in the Withings medical cloud, and integrated into Calibrate’s platform in real-time. 

Calibrate also integrated Withings Health Solutions dropshipping API and branded kitting solution to reduce logistics costs and increase program efficiency. Shipping scales and welcome packet materials leveraging Withings dropshipping capabilities helps reduce inventory risk, saves time and streamlines the members’ unboxing experience.

“I met with a new member for intake and she was extremely complimentary several times of the" professionalism" and "high quality" of the Welcome Packet materials. She was beaming about the quality of the scale and said, "I've never seen a scale like this!". She is so impressed and excited to start with Calibrate.”

Calibrate Doctor


The Calibrate and Withings Health Solutions partnership resulted in more operational efficiency for the Calibrate team and a better onboarding and health tracking experience for Calibrate members. The Body Pro scale made it an easy and frictionless experience for members to honor their weight tracking requirement.


Additionally, Body Pro’s cellular scale technology, intentionally designed to reduce friction and keep contact rates low, along with Withings exceptional partner support team, reduced technical support needs related to scale setup by 25% from their prior vendor’s Bluetooth-only scale. Consistent tracking results in improved health outcomes, and a seamless, fully integrated weight tracking experience with Withings Body Pro contributes meaningfully to a positive member experience.

Calibrate's decision to transition to the Withings cellular scale reduced technical setup by


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Contact Us [post_title] => Improving Member Weight Tracking and Operational Efficiency for a Digital Metabolic Health Company [post_excerpt] => Calibrate partnered with Withings Health Solutions to use their cellular-enabled scale, Body Pro, to support their tens of thousands of members in tracking their weight daily. Withings Body Pro was customized to enhance the Calibrate member experience and ensure members can seamlessly track their weight. [post_status] => publish [comment_status] => closed [ping_status] => closed [post_password] => [post_name] => case-study-calibrate-withings-health-solutions [to_ping] => [pinged] => [post_modified] => 2024-01-18 14:03:59 [post_modified_gmt] => 2024-01-18 14:03:59 [post_content_filtered] => [post_parent] => 0 [guid] => [menu_order] => 0 [post_type] => post [post_mime_type] => [comment_count] => 0 [filter] => raw ) [comment_count] => 0 [current_comment] => -1 [found_posts] => 3 [max_num_pages] => 1 [max_num_comment_pages] => 0 [is_single] => [is_preview] => [is_page] => [is_archive] => [is_date] => [is_year] => [is_month] => [is_day] => [is_time] => [is_author] => [is_category] => [is_tag] => [is_tax] => [is_search] => [is_feed] => [is_comment_feed] => [is_trackback] => [is_home] => 1 [is_privacy_policy] => [is_404] => [is_embed] => [is_paged] => [is_admin] => [is_attachment] => [is_singular] => [is_robots] => [is_favicon] => [is_posts_page] => [is_post_type_archive] => [query_vars_hash:WP_Query:private] => 8a595ba91e4a4e755106f50b69574e29 [query_vars_changed:WP_Query:private] => [thumbnails_cached] => [allow_query_attachment_by_filename:protected] => [stopwords:WP_Query:private] => [compat_fields:WP_Query:private] => Array ( [0] => query_vars_hash [1] => query_vars_changed ) [compat_methods:WP_Query:private] => Array ( [0] => init_query_flags [1] => parse_tax_query ) )
Case Study

Improving Member Weight Tracking and Operational Efficiency for a Digital Metabolic Health Company

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