Webinar: The future of Diabetic Neuropathy Management - May, 28th


Diabetes Care

Monitoring diabetes: a global imperative

According to the World Health Organization, 9.3% of adults had diabetes in 2019, and it’s estimated to reach 10.9% by 2045 Type 2 diabetes makes up about 90% of all diabetes cases1.

In the US, 38 million people have diabetes (1 person out of 10) and about 98 million have prediabetes (1 out of 3).

Early identification of individuals at high risk for diabetes is crucial, both for slowing its progression and preventing complications.

Addressing complications with precision and innovation

Number 1

Cause of death in people with diabetes comes from cardiovascular diseases2

because of high risk of strokes, heart failure, atherosclerosis and arrhythmias.

One of the main risk factors of these complications is high blood pressure.

Up to 70%

of patients with diabetes will be affected by diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN) in their lifetime

50% of them may be asymptomatic3.

Diabetic peripheral neuropathies are a crucial indicator of foot ulcer risk, yet there is a lack of reliable, non invasive, rapid, and easy to use tools to identify these neuropathies3,4.

At Withings Health Solutions, we’ve developed a suite of connected health devices to elevate care for patients with diabetes, including monitoring for those at risk for these complications.

Addressing challenges in diabetes 
prevention and management

Prevention Diagnosis

Prevent pre-diabetic patients from progressing to Type 2 diabetes.

Withings Health Solutions helps you to

Body Composition


Tracking the evolution of patients’ diabetes over time & early detection of complications.

Withings Health Solutions helps you in the

Blood Pressure
Electrochemical Skin Conductance

Treatment & Monitoring

Early monitoring of patients’ complications to prevent the development of more severe 

Withings Health Solutions helps you in the

Body Composition
Blood Pressure
Electrochemical Skin Conductance


Increased risk of mortality and morbidity

Withings Health Solutions helps you in the

Body Composition
Blood Pressure
Electrochemical Skin Conductance

We’re dedicated to helping you improve your diabetes patient care

Discover our cutting-edge suite of connected health devices:

Body Pro 2

The first and only cellular scale to provide insights on body composition, which may help in the early detection of diabetic peripheral neuropathy.

Body Pro

A long-term weight and BMI management scale, offering better care for your patients with diabetes.

BPM Connect Pro

Our medically accurate cellular blood pressure monitor ,helping you track patient risk of cardiovascular health complications.

Whether you represent hospitals, health systems, physician groups, or FQHCs, we offer comprehensive solutions designed to meet your unique needs.

Withings RPM features best-in-class clinically validated cellular devices and an intuitive, user-friendly platform, empowering your care team to have full control over patient monitoring and intervention.

Elevate your health program with medical-grade devices

Discover how our medical-grade devices, has performed in clinical studies — and how it can elevate your health program.

Comparing Sudoscan & Withings Scale

Sudomotor dysfunction is one of the earliest manifestations of small fiber neuropathy (SFN), reflecting the alteration of sympathetic C fiber innervation of the sweat glands. The study compared Body Scan® (Withings scale, for home use) with Sudoscan® (Impeto Medical device, for clinical settings), by measuring the electrochemical skin conductance (ESC) at the feet to identify SFN.


Body Scan® proved to be just as effective as Sudoscan® in assessing sudomotor function, offering a convenient way for patients to conduct tests at home, and enhancing long-term autonomic nervous system monitoring.

Observing the Effects of Telehealth-Based health coaching

This study explored the transformative power of weekly telehealth coaching in the realm of weight management, presenting compelling evidence that such an approach not only significantly boosts adherence to remote monitoring devices but also facilitates a healthier rate of weight loss (RWL).


By comparing a fully online, medically monitored 12-week weight management program (including personalized health coaching) with a self-guided control group, the research uncovered the tangible benefits of integrating digital health tools with professional support. The findings revealed a notable difference in device adherence and RWL between the intervention and control groups, underscoring telehealth’s potential to revolutionize weight loss strategies.

Learn how our partnerships improve health outcomes

ADA’s Project Power Promoting Regular Foot Exams Using Withings Smart Scales

With the goal of promoting patient education on diabetic foot health, earlier detection of neuropathy, and regular diabetic foot exams, Withings has partnered with ADA’s Project Power to put smart scales in the homes of participants in particularly high-risk and vulnerable communities.


Project Power aims to reduce diabetes risk factors and improve diabetes health literacy, self-care behaviors, and glycemic control. This program is conducted with a combination of in-person and remote sessions focusing on topics such as nutrition, exercise, emotional health, heart health, glucose monitoring, and foot health.

Driving Weight Loss Through Improved Program Adherence and Operational Efficiency for a Diabetes Prevention Program

HabitNu teamed up with Withings Health Solutions to tackle the challenge of accurately tracking members’ weight loss, aiming for a 5% reduction per member. By integrating our Wi-Fi-based Body scale and Withings app into their program, HabitNu not only streamlined the data collection process — they also enhanced member engagement through the scales, sleek, inviting design and habit-forming features..


This collaboration led to a remarkable achievement in a year-long Diabetes Prevention Program, with 5% more weight loss among participants actively engaged with the Withings Body Scale. 


1. Saeedi, P. et al. Global and regional diabetes prevalence estimates for 2019 and projections for 2030 and 2045: Results from the International Diabetes Federation Diabetes Atlas, 9th edition. Diabetes Res. Clin. Pract. 157, 107843 (2019).

2. Cardiovascular Disease | ADA. https://diabetes.org/about-diabetes/complications/cardiovascular-disease.

3. Casellini, C. M., Parson, H. K., Richardson, M. S., Nevoret, M. L. & Vinik, A. I. Sudoscan, a noninvasive tool for detecting diabetic small fiber neuropathy and autonomic dysfunction. Diabetes Technol. Ther. 15, 948–953 (2013).

4. McIllhatton, A. et al. Reliability of recommended non-invasive chairside screening tests for diabetes-related peripheral neuropathy: a systematic review with meta-analyses. BMJ Open Diabetes Res. Care 9, e002528 (2021).

5. Wang, F. et al. Diagnostic Accuracy of Monofilament Tests for Detecting Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J. Diabetes Res. 2017, 8787261 (2017).

6. Newlin Lew, K. et al. Diabetes Distal Peripheral Neuropathy: Subtypes and Diagnostic and Screening Technologies. J. Diabetes Sci. Technol. 16, 295–320 (2022).

7. Carbajal-Ramírez, A., Hernández-Domínguez, J. A., Molina-Ayala, M. A., Rojas-Uribe, M. M. & Chávez-Negrete, A. Early identification of peripheral neuropathy based on sudomotor dysfunction in Mexican patients with type 2 diabetes. BMC Neurol. 19, 109 (2019).

8. Riveline, J.-P. et al. Validation of the Body Scan®, a new device to detect small fiber neuropathy by assessment of the sudomotor function: agreement with the Sudoscan®. Front. Neurol. 14, (2023).

9. Hypertension. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/hypertension.
10. High blood pressure (hypertension): Controlling this common health problem-High blood pressure (hypertension) – Symptoms & causes. Mayo Clinic https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/high-blood-pressure/symptoms-causes/syc-20373410.